Grant Writing Subscriptions to Help Your Nonprofit
Save Time, Spend Less, and Raise More

It's time to change the way we think about grant writing...
Every day you're stuck behind your desk researching grant opportunities or ​filling out endless applications is time you're not spending cultivating your donors. And with today's competition for fundraising dollars, it's time someone else might be treating your next million-dollar-donor to coffee. But if you can't afford to hire a full-time grant writer, how do you avoid missing out on your nonprofit's share of the more than $95 billion in grants awarded each year?
Everything about grant writing can be done virtually, saving busy nonprofit executives time and money.
That's where we come in.
Just Write Grants offers a revolutionary new approach to add grant writing to your nonprofit's fundraising strategy or to enhance your existing campaign.
What Some of Our Clients are Saying...

Kathy Gnann, Co-Chair
Red Door Food Pantry
We are so thankful and blessed to have received a recent grant through our Just Write Grants subscription. We have been able to purchase food to help those hurting financially during this terrible pandemic.

Crystal Anderson, Grants and Donor Communications Manager
Nepal Youth Foundation
The more detail you give Melanie and her team to work with, the more helpful they will be for your organization. Just Write Grants is eager and determined to find the best opportunities for clients and the materials they pull together are
well-analyzed, clear, and incredibly helpful.

Eric Gerritson, Interim Director
Working with Just Write Grants has been time well spent. We compared other grant writers and hands down Just Write Grants is the absolute best value you can find.