Custom Subscription Plans and Add-on Services
Custom Plans and Add-On Services for Subscribers
TurnKey Writing Solutions offers custom subscription plans and additional services that subscribers can use to enhance their fundraising strategy. Add-ons can be purchased at any time during your existing subscription. Don't see what you need? We can design a custom add-on service that works for your nonprofit. If you're interested in exploring custom plans, these add-ons, or any other add-on services, please call 1-888-8GRANTS or email Melanie Lambert, Managing Director at melanie@turnkeywritingsolutions.com.
Additional grant requests
Want to add an additional grant request this year? Let's do it. Or TurnKey can manage existing relationships with foundations and corporations that require renewal applications or reports.
Post-Grant report review
Congratulations! You received a grant. Now you have to write a report. Need an extra set of experienced eyes to review your report? Happy to help.
Post-Grant Report Composition
Funders look for lots of specific information in post-grant reports. Let TurnKey draft your report to ensure you are meeting your donor's expectations.
TurnKey Writing Solutions staff are experts in all areas of fundraising including event planning, case statements, campaign development, and sponsorships. We can provide consulting services beyond grant management for your nonprofit.