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Make Money Sharing TurnKey Writing Solutions

At TurnKey Writing Solutions, we've been fortunate to work with so many different types of nonprofits across the country.  As perpetual students, we believe this diversity benefits all of our clients as we learn more about the nonprofit sector, the funding climate, and the future of philanthropy.


Do you know a nonprofit that could benefit from working with a grant writing consultant?  Are you a nonprofit consultant whose client is interested in adding grants to its fundraising strategy,
but you aren't in a position to offer that service? 

Join the Tribuos Referral Program and get rewarded for sharing TurnKey's affordable and convenient
virtual grant writing subscriptions.  

Tribuos Referral Program

Here’s How We’ll Reward You:

  • 5% commission of the contract on the first 12-month subscription cycle ​

  • $10 Amazon gift card as our way of saying thank if your referral does not sign a contract


How to Share More about TurnKey Writing Solutions with Your Clients and Network:

TurnKey Writing Solutions is the #1 grant writing subscription service in the United States, helping nonprofits of every size, budget, and mission save time, spend less, and raise more. 


Learn more about our monthly subscriptions by clicking here.  Or use the form below to contact us for additional resources to share.  

Services: Project

Interested in Earning More?  Become a Tribuos Certified Consultant.

As a Tribuos Certified Consultant, you’ll receive additional commission, recognition on our website and in TurnKey Writing Solutions’ marketing, and annual investments in your business.

To become a Tribuos Certified Consultant, you must complete 3 of the following 4 requirements:

  • Currently hold a Certified Fund Raising Executive certification from CFRE International, or Certified Grant Professional (GPC) from Grant Professionals Association (GPA), or any other nonprofit fundraising certification from a recognized national or international certifying agency

  • Provide 3 references of previous nonprofit clients 

  • Have a minimum of 3 years documented experience as a nonprofit consultant

  • Submit a sample of your work as a nonprofit consultant in the nonprofit sector in which you are most proficient

How We'll Invest in You

To help your business grow, we commit to:

  • Matching grants to help you attend conferences and promote your business as a nonprofit consultant with co-branded banners and marketing materials promoting your status as a Tribuos Certified Consultant

  • Offer opportunities to co-present or present TurnKey Writing Solutions-hosted quarterly webinars and share information about your consulting services with attendees

  • List your business on our Certified Consultants webpage including your areas of expertise and a link to your website

  • Regular promotion on social media, our website, and e-newsletter 

Ready to learn more?  Click here to submit our interest form.

Who Makes an Ideal Tribuos Certified Consultant?

  • Nonprofit fundraising consultants with expertise in at least one nonprofit sector.  While varied experience is always a plus, expertise in a particular sector makes it easier for us to refer our clients and potential clients to you for services outside of grant writing.

  • Current and past clients with whom you feel comfortable making a referral to TurnKey Writing Solutions.  We recommend a client base of at least 15 current and previous clients to meet the minimum annual new business requirement in the first year.

  • A general understanding of how to assess whether a nonprofit will be competitive with grant writing and should pursue grants as a fundraising strategy.  TurnKey has resources to help you and your clients determine grant-readiness prior to a referral.

  • A positive reputation with past and current clients.  While we understand that much of nonprofit consulting success is out of the control of the consultant, your clients should have had a positive experience while working with you and should be ready to recommend you and your services as a Tribuos Certified Consultant.

  • An experienced nonprofit consultant who does not offer grant writing services and is seeking ways to further enhance your relationships with your existing clients by helping meet their needs with TurnKey Writing Solutions, the #1 grant writing subscription service in the United States.

  • And last but not least, an entrepreneur or independent contractor who is looking for ways to increase your income, build or expand your business, and network with other nonprofit consultants across the country.

What Our Clients Say About Our Grant Writing Subscriptions


Southeastern Technical College Foundation 

TurnKey's grant writing and research expertise frees up our staff to work on other responsibilities. The grant we received through working with TurnKey will allow the college to expand the welding program, which will enable more students to enroll.

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Red Door Food Pantry

TurnKey Writing Solutions has been so helpful for our nonprofit. We have received 2 grants with their help. They made the process so easy for us.  

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Next Step Education Foundation

The affordable subscription with TurnKey Writing Solutions allowed us to start building grants into our fundraising strategy in a way that didn't cripple our budget but still got our nonprofit out there competing for funds just as we would have had we hired someone full-time.

TurnKey Writing Solutions Ideal Clients

While our affordable and flexible virtual grant writing subscriptions are designed to help nonprofits of any size, budget, or mission add grants to their fundraising strategy, our ideal and most successful clients:


  • Have held an IRS nonprofit status for at least 5 years; 

  • Have at least 3 years of established history providing services directly tied to their current mission (more successful nonprofits have at least 5 years of history); 

  • Have an annual budget of $250,000 or more; 

  • Have paid full-time staff; 

  • Have had some successful grant requests in the last 3-5 years; and

  • Understand that grant writing is not a “get rich quick scheme” for nonprofits and are willing to invest the time (typically a year or more) to build a successful grant strategy, submit high quality grant requests, and wait for responses from grant-makers.

Ready to get started?  Let's chat!

Thanks for contacting us! We'll respond within 2 business days. We look forward to working with you!

Interest Form

Need Some Ideas?

In most cases, your clients will mention they need help with grant writing or your expertise will recognize that a grant writing service would benefit them.  But, sometimes the out-of-the-blue, cold-call referral can feel a bit awkward and salesy.  


Here are some ideas to promote TurnKey Writing Solutions with your network:

  • Email relevant contacts with information about TurnKey, stating specifically how you think our grant writing subscriptions can help their nonprofit. (Note: This works best via one-to-one emails rather than mass emails.)

  • Will you be meeting with someone who could be a potential client? Bring TurnKey up in conversation and gauge their response. Based on their feedback, follow up with an email and more detailed information.

  • Post about TurnKey Writing Solutions on your blog with the links that would be most helpful to your readers.

  • Share links to our information, blog posts, webinars, or other resources on your social media. (Note: While this is a great way to promote, it is less personalized.  Have your social media followers reach out to you for more information or direct them to mention you to us for an exclusive perk or incentive provided by you.)


If you'd like help finding a specific piece of content, like a blog post, that works best for your client, email us at

What If Their “No” Really Means “Not Right Now”?

This happens all the time.  Nonprofits are typically hesitant to spend money quickly.  They need time to weigh their options, assess return on investment, and get Board approval.  If this is the case, here are a few ways that TurnKey can nurture a relationship with them, and they could become a client down the line, even if they aren't ready yet. These options might be a good follow-up if they say they're interested, but not right now.



  • Click here are other freebies and (coming soon) low-cost resources that might be perfect for them in our online store.

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